Python Setup

1)Download Python on This download will allow you to run python scripts and it comes with a free python editor called IDLE.

2) Choose a code editor. You can work with only IDLE but it is not beginner friendly so we suggest downloading either Pycharm or Sublime Text.


1)Go to and download the free commuity version of Pycharm for your device.

2)Open up the installer, click through it, and download the Pycharm app

3)To start coding, go to 'File', 'New Project', name your project, and click 'Create' In the workspace, go to 'File', 'New', and 'Python file' to create a new file. To run code on the file, go to 'Run', find your file name, and run it.

Sublime Text

1)Go to and download the appropriate version for your computer.

2)Open up the installer, click through it, and download the Pycharm app

3)To start coding, open up the app and go to 'File', 'save as' and then save the file with the extension, .py. Type some code onto the file and then click ctrl + shift + B and click on 'Python' to run the file for the first time. Each time after that, do ctrl + B to run the code.